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Mother and Daughter


Academic Success & Self-Leadership Coaching for Teens

Supporting your son or daughter to develop self-leadership and motivation for better results, happier relationships or a clearer sense of where they want to be and how to get there.

If you're reading this, I'm guessing you're a parent or a guardian of a teenager and that you care deeply about their future. Coaching can rapidly help resolve issues that may be keeping you awake, such as:

  • Your son or daughter is not achieving their potential

  • Communication has broken down between you

  • Your teen is not motivated about extra tuition or self-study

  • Parenting teens isn't as fun as you hoped it could be

  • School is concerned about your son or daughter's attitude or results

  • Your teenager is demotivated or lacks direction

Today’s teenagers have much to contend with. They have been caught up in the unprecedented crossfire of a pandemic fallout, global insecurity and relentless social media pressure. Parents I speak to are increasingly at a loss as to how to help their teenagers navigate an uncertain future without straining their relationship with them. 


As their personal coach I enable young people to develop and uncover the strengths, character traits and individual motivation to adopt a more positive mindset and the resilience to take on the responsibilities and challenges of early adulthood. When this happens you will find you can be the parent you want to be.


 Typically, as a result of coaching with me, clients:


  • Organise their time better

  • Are more proactive about school work

  • Spend less time on devices

  • Get fitter and make healthier decisions

  • Join more clubs or start initiatives

  • Become better leaders of themselves and others

  • Relate to their peers and adults in a more constructive manner

  • More happily attend school

  • Actively look out for specific opportunities to grow into the people they realise they want to be



The coaching sessions give young people an invaluable opportunity to listen to themselves and be listened to without judgement, pressure or expectation, to define themselves as individuals, explore what’s going on in their own lives from a more optimistic, balanced perspective and take purposeful steps towards their personal goals, whether they be improved grades, more harmonious relationships with their parents and peers, better time-management or less device-dependency. 



Let's have a conversation


I love what I do. Let’s have a conversation today about how I can work together with your son or daughter; I would be delighted to hear from you.


Email:     Tel: (+44) 07906 591309 or use the contact form below. 


...or send me a message

Please get in touch so we can explore how I can help

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