Coaching in Schools:
Let's be honest: school's busy and if you're a Head or HR Manager, finding a coach my not be on your priority list. But what if that coach could take on some of those issues which distract staff from what they do best? Issues such as inexperienced leaders not managing; pupils underachieving; a frosty staffroom; ineffective teams; staff afraid of change; a teacher buckling under difficult personal circumstances...all these can be resolved through coaching. Below I set out the ways I can make a positive difference in schools:
Personal and Professional Development Coaching for Teachers and Staff.
Whether it's to rediscover their joy of teaching, to provide solid foundations for new teachers, to prepare staff for a leadership role, or to help them through a personal situation so they can be present for their pupils, coaching enables teaching and school staff to thrive and feel genuinely fulfilled.
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Training Tutors & Teachers to Coach
Teachers are empowered to coach their tutees or pupils to discover the depths of their own potential. Tutors learn to use a variety of coaching techniques to unearth their tutees' undiscovered skills and interests and help them overcome barriers they don't even realise are stopping them from being even more brilliant. This can work brilliantly at 6th form. Teachers of all ages learn how to use coaching in the classroom for better engagement and results.
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In-School Personal Development Coaching for Students
My 1:1 confidential coaching sessions give pupils new-found confidence to hold up a mirror to themselves and empower them to take responsibility for their own personal development and fulfilment.
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Personal and Professional Development Coaching for Staff
What staff breakthroughs, personal or professional, would make a difference to you right now?
These genuine client stories illustrate the breakthroughs of some of my school-based clients:

Sarah, Head of Department, can finally lead her team in the way she envisaged; she created much needed headspace by mastering her time & task management and was able to clarify and communicate her vision. She has gained respect and trust from her team and is more able to influence change.
Luciana has transformed her relationships with colleagues; she has now been inspired to initiate a collaboration project with another staff member.
Simon, a great teacher and aspiring leader is now confident and prepared to take on his first leadership role by clarifying his perception of himself as manager and leader.

Jonathon has been supported through difficult personal circumstances which knocked his confidence at work. He has now successfully stepped back into his role with renewed enthusiasm and self-belief
Jenny a senior non-teaching leader has developed and is now implementing a strategy for uniting two formerly separate teams
Mia, an experienced member of a school's support staff is more willingly embracing necessary change in her department; she now values the contribution she can make to these changes and has since transformed her relationship with her HoD.

What my clients say...
"Charlotte supported me massively with my anxiety towards interviews for progression opportunities. She made things less daunting and gave me excellent strategies. In only 6 weeks of working with Charlotte I have had my first promotion!"
"I struggled with confidence and staff relationships at the beginning of my teaching career...but I left each session feeling positive and supported and ready to take on more challenges. I've devel0ped great relationships with my colleagues too."
Charlotte is a great listener and is able to ask the right questions to help you. She summarises the sessions so well and it feels like she understands me and my intentions very quickly. It was like fitting the pieces of my own personal jigsaw puzzle together and this was very satisfying.
"Having accountability and targets was very motivating for me; I was surprised how much I could get done and by how empowered I felt after just the first session."
"Coaching is helping people grow without telling them what to do", and that is exactly what I got from Charlotte. In six weeks I had grown professionally and personally. My confidence and pride in my abilities has grown, relationships with colleagues have improved, communication is better, and I am more aware of my own actions and how they are seen by others. Career opportunities that once felt out of my reach, are now achievable. Thank you Charlotte for helping me see what I am capable of and I look forward to continuing to work with you."
"Before coaching with Charlotte, I had failed to secure a promotion and was struggling to articulate my strengths as a leader. Two months later I have been promoted into my ideal leadership role."
"Thank you, Charlotte, for all you have done for me. I felt listened to and supported. Some of the techniques you taught me have been a game changer! I go into school with such lightness and I feel so much better, especially about meetings; my relationships with colleagues are far less confrontational too. In my feedback to school I have recommended you 100%!"

Training Teachers to Coach
Increasingly schools are recognising the far reaching difference that coaching makes. A school 6th form can set itself apart by adopting a personalised coaching and mentoring approach in its tutorial system. Coaching techniques can be used in classrooms across year groups to raise pupils' expectations and belief in themselves, increase motivation and boost academic achievement.
To make this happen, I create bespoke coaching training programmes for school staff providing tools and techniques which can be used effectively straight away.

Coaching for Tutors
I can train your 6th form tutors in various coaching techniques so your school can offer genuinely individualised support and attention and 6th formers feel deeply understood, listened to and supported
Build trust as a coach
Develop listening skills - what to listen out for
Create a repertoire of questions and know when to ask them
Learn to draw out the answers and keep advice to a minimum
Learn to help them develop a crucial understanding of themselves

Coaching for the Classroom
My bespoke training programmes can provide teachers with a range of coaching techniques especially adapted to the classroom for mor thoughtful, engaged and responsible learners
Learn how to further individualise success
Help pupils identify their beliefs about themselves in context of your subject
Incorporate tools to help them understand what is limiting their lack of progress
Coach them to bring out the best in themselves
Academic Success & Confidence for Teens in Schools
Grow your reputation as a forward-thinking, coaching-conscious school.
Does your school spend too much time and energy on any of the following?
Spiralling pastoral issues
Exam stress
Disappointing results and catch-up sessions
Dissatisfied parents
Strained peer-peer relationships
Attendance or lesson engagement
From personal experience, it is clear that many schools are overwhelmed as pastoral pressures hinder academic aspirations, and parents, increasingly at a loss as to how to help their teens safely and confidently navigate this changing landscape, are turning to schools for answers. My coaching programmes offer a mutually beneficial solution.
As a result of my coaching, clients typically:
Organise their time better
Are more proactive about school work
Spend less time on devices
Get fitter and make healthier decisions
Are happier to come to school each day
Join more clubs & start initiatives
Become better leaders of themselves and others
Relate to their peers and adults in a more constructive manner
Regard themselves and their opportunities with a more empowered outlook
Good coaching is the bedrock of sustained strength of character required to carve out happy, fulfilled futures regardless of the challenges.
Become a coaching school today
Contact me for a free no-obligation consultation to discuss how I can help your school.
Email: charlotte@futuregenerationcoaching.co.uk Tel: (+44) 07906 591309 or use the contact form below.
Do send me a message
Get in touch so we can explore how I can help